ScienceDaily IA
Toute l’actualité IA de Science Daily
A new twist on artificial ‘muscles’ for safer, softer robots
A genetic algorithm for phononic crystals
New and improved camera inspired by the human eye
Light-controlled artificial maple seeds could monitor the environment even in hard-to-reach locations
Researchers develop new training technique that aims to make AI systems less socially biased
Next platform for brain-inspired computing
Robots face the future
Meet CARMEN, a robot that helps people with mild cognitive impairment
Prying open the AI black box
Researchers teach AI to spot what you’re sketching
AI recognizes athletes’ emotions
Researchers use large language models to help robots navigate
Self-assembling and disassembling swarm molecular robots via DNA molecular controller
New technique improves AI ability to map 3D space with 2D cameras
Robot radiotherapy could improve treatments for eye disease
Towards a new era in flexible piezoelectric sensors for both humans and robots
AI-powered simulation training improves human performance in robotic exoskeletons
Female AI ‘teammate’ generates more participation from women
3D-printed mini-actuators can move small soft robots, lock them into new shapes
Researchers harness AI for autonomous discovery and optimization of materials
Researchers create realistic virtual rodent
Trash-sorting robot mimics complex human sense of touch
Four-legged, dog-like robot ‘sniffs’ hazardous gases in inaccessible environments
Researchers create skin-inspired sensory robots to provide medical treatment
Liquid metal-based electronic logic device that mimics intelligent prey-capture mechanism of Venus flytrap
Using AI to decode dog vocalizations
New model allows a computer to understand human emotions
A technique for more effective multipurpose robots
Children’s visual experience may hold key to better computer vision training
Designing environments that are robot-inclusive
AI saving humans from the emotional toll of monitoring hate speech
The AI paradox: Building creativity to protect against AI
Bio-inspired cameras and AI help drivers detect pedestrians and obstacles faster
Tracking animals without markers in the wild
AI headphones let wearer listen to a single person in a crowd, by looking at them just once
AI poised to usher in new level of concierge services to the public
3D printing robot creates extreme shock-absorbing shape, with help of AI
Robot-phobia could exasperate hotel, restaurant labor shortage
Large language models can’t effectively recognize users’ motivation, but can support behavior change for those ready to act
Building a better sarcasm detector
To optimize guide-dog robots, first listen to the visually impaired
Animal brain inspired AI game changer for autonomous robots
Robots’ and prosthetic hands’ sense of touch could be as fast as humans
Cats purrfectly demonstrate what it takes to trust robots
When consumers would prefer a chatbot over a person
A better way to control shape-shifting soft robots
Robotic system feeds people with severe mobility limitations
Generative AI that imitates human motion
New study finds AI-generated empathy has its limits
Caterbot? Robatapillar? It crawls with ease through loops and bends
Stretchable e-skin could give robots human-level touch sensitivity
Robots invited to help make wind turbine blades
Random robots are more reliable
Machine listening: Making speech recognition systems more inclusive
Trotting robots reveal emergence of animal gait transitions
Built-in bionic computing
Computer vision researcher develops privacy software for surveillance videos
Why can’t robots outrun animals?
Computer game in school made students better at detecting fake news
How 3D printers can give robots a soft touch
New computer vision tool wins prize for social impact
Star Trek’s Holodeck recreated using ChatGPT and video game assets
A faster, better way to prevent an AI chatbot from giving toxic responses
Engineers design soft and flexible ‘skeletons’ for muscle-powered robots
New privacy-preserving robotic cameras obscure images beyond human recognition
Revolutionary biomimetic olfactory chips to enable advanced gas sensing and odor detection
Robot, can you say ‘cheese’?
New software enables blind and low-vision users to create interactive, accessible charts
Engineering household robots to have a little common sense
AI can now detect COVID-19 in lung ultrasound images
Robotic metamaterial: An endless domino effect
Two artificial intelligences talk to each other
Advanced army robots more likely to be blamed for deaths
Robot ANYmal can do parkour and walk across rubble
How do neural networks learn? A mathematical formula explains how they detect relevant patterns
Robotic interface masters a soft touch
Going top shelf with AI to better track hockey data
The role of machine learning and computer vision in Imageomics
Method rapidly verifies that a robot will avoid collisions
AI can speed design of health software
New dressing robot can ‘mimic’ the actions of care-workers
New AI model could streamline operations in a robotic warehouse
A novel method for easy and quick fabrication of biomimetic robots with life-like movement